Glam Fit Club Blog

Are you drinking enough water?

Are you drinking enough water?

Water is an essential part of our diet, similar to other macros such as protein, carbs, and fats. Our bodies need water to function at its optimal ability and when you are drinking enough water, you’ll notice the difference. Drinking water comes with many benefits that you’d love! How much water should you be drinking? I know many of us have seen these “water gallon challenges”, “8 bottles of water challenges”, etc. However just as any other part of our diet, how much water you should be drinking is dependent upon your size. A typical rule of thumb to follow is dividing...

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30 Minute Full Body Home Workout

30 Minute Full Body Home Workout

One of the top reasons women say they don’t work out is TIME. Which I can certainly understand, sometimes it feels like we just do not have enough hours in the day. Here is a moderate 30 minute workout that you can do at home. So wake up 30 minutes before its time to wake the kids and spend some time working on your goals! This routine is a HIIT (high intensity interval training) workout. HIIT routines have become very popular in recent years given that they have been proven to burn calories the fastest. The only equipment you need for this...

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Cleansing Philosophy

Cleansing Philosophy

Cleansing is the process of ridding your body of toxins. When should you consider doing a cleanse? If you are having issues with constipation, frequent headaches, depression, trouble losing weight, trouble sleeping, difficulty focusing, etc. While some western dieticians and medical professionals may disagree with the idea of cleansing, MANY other cultures promote the cleansing of toxins as a direct solution to various troubles (as aforementioned). What does cleansing consist of? Currently, there are more cleanses on the market than I can name. There are juice cleanses, the “master cleanse”, tea cleanses, fasting cleanses, etc. I cannot speak to many of those...

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Menstrual Cleansing Ritual Ideology

Menstrual Cleansing Ritual Ideology

I’ve talked about cleansing/ detoxing a few times on here, so as you may know: I’m a huge advocate. Recently, I have been practicing a new detox ritual and I have been feeling great! I truly feel healthier, more balanced, and that my body is more efficient. This new detox ritual was an epiphany I had a few months ago & because of my success I want to share it with you. Here are the parameters of my detox: o   When – in my new detox ritual I detox directly following my menstrual cycle. o   Why – studies have shown...

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5 Things to Keep in Mind When Setting Health Goals

5 Things to Keep in Mind When Setting Health Goals

Setting goals is the first step to take when trying to achieve a healthier lifestyle. However, setting goals can also be discouraging if they are not achieved. More times than not we set a goal, work towards it on/off and then give up when we don’t see the results we want. Here are some things to keep in mind when setting your health goals to help you stay motivated and encouraged: Rome wasn’t built in a day. It is important for your goals to be realistic. By realistic I am primarily referring to the time frame in which you would...

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